Online Bass Lessons and Guitar Lessons

Learn how to play bass and guitar remotely with online bass lessons and online guitar lessons.

Learn your instrument, inside and out!

I’ve been teaching online for over four years now, and it is an amazing way to learn a new instrument, or get to that next level with something you already play! My goal, is to help you, get to YOUR GOAL! All you need is a device such as a laptop, tablet, smartphone, an internet connection, and the instrument of your choice.

By exploring theory and making musical connections with their instrument my students gain so much confidence in their playing. I want everyone to be playing like their best self! If you’re looking for ideas of where to start here are some topics that you might be interested in!

Learn music in any style:

  • Learn how to play upright bass online easily

  • Try new styles when you learn electric bass online

  • Learn the basics of acoustic guitar with remote guitar lessons

  • Learn to shred with electric guitar lessons

    Deepen your understanding of music with online bass lessons or online guitar lessons. All of these remote private music lessons are rooted in practical music theory, and use this foundational knowledge will help you learn no matter what your prior experience is. This approach will allow you to learn music in different genres, perform with others, and communicate with other people in the music field. That being said, I think some of the best music comes from breaking the rules and coming up with what sounds right to you! We will also talk about improvising as a way to compose, practice, and explore!

    I’m so excited to start working with you!

Purchase lessons and schedule all in one place with Calendly below!


Online Double Bass Lessons

  • Learn the in’s and out’s of playing this behemoth of an instrument.

  • Explore different genres including jazz, classical, rock, folk, country, & more!

  • One of the best advantages of online double bass lessons is not having to transport your instrument to a studio or expose it to extra wear and tear by getting it to your lesson every week.

Online Electric Bass Lessons

  • Online Electric Bass Lessons give you the ability to use your own equipment during your lessons instead of what is available on-site in the studio. This allows you to ask questions about your set-up and get real-time feedback.

  • Interfaces and other digital inputs allow you to get a very accurate representation of tone online.

  • Access to programs such as Ableton, iRealPro, Spotify, and MuseScore let students practice skills that all electric bass players can become familiar with.

Online Acoustic and Electric Guitar Lessons

  • With online guitar lessons you have the flexibility to schedule and learn at your own pace. Access to your own equipment such as instruments, amplifiers, and a comfortable environment makes for a better experience.

  • Microphones and interfaces allow for accurate tone and sound reproduction for both teacher and student.

  • Access to programs and recordings that are essential in learning different styles and techniques are included with the price of your lesson.


What people are saying:

"Learning music with Anthony is very enjoyable. He is easy to talk to and very knowledgeable. Not only does he teach songs, but he gives practice drills combined with theory which are invaluable to any upcoming musician. Anthony is well versed in technology and is quick to share any information that will assist in the learning process. I am glad that I met Anthony, and I look forward to continuing my musical journey with him."

-Y 04/2021

Anthony... you are an amazing teacher, collaborator, and all around amazing musician!

-L (04/2021)

“My son has been working with Anthony for over 3 years. His lessons started with the double bass but expanded to include guitar and electric bass as well. He LOVES working with Anthony and sees him as so much more than a teacher. Anthony sets up a dynamic with his students that is truly special and unique. He listens to them, “gets” them, and creates an atmosphere of fun while still holding them to a high standard and getting tons done in a lesson. He is truly a natural. It is hard to make on-line learning fun but he does it every week….We have had many music teachers in our lives over the years and he is the BEST!”

-M (04/2021)

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